
If none of the clients has a voicemail target of 3 days, then each of the following must be true EXCEPT:
(A)Image’s website target is 1 day.
*This question is included in Dec 2012 LSAT (PT68): Analytical Reasoning, question #11

The solution is

Posted: 12/05/2013 21:53
I'm having a little bit of trouble diagraming this problem
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Posted: 12/06/2013 12:24
Parker, can you post an image of your attempt in diagramming? We can then try to see where you are stuck.
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Posted: 12/18/2013 19:15
Hi, Parker -

This problem looks tricky to diagram, but it's actually straightforward: since most of the information is relative rather than absolute, you will have to capture most of it, initially, in carefully formulated rules. The diagram, then, can be something as simple as a 2x3 grid:

1 2 3
w | | | |
v | | | |

If you do it this way, the tokens can simply be I, S, T for the three companies.

I will leave the formulation of the rules to you, but notice that I cannot be in box 3 of row v (because its voicemail target is shorter than those of the other two), and I also cannot be in box 3 of row w (because no company has a website target longer than its voicemail target.) Likewise, S and T cannot be in box 1 of row v. Further, S cannot be in box 3 of row w and T cannot be in box 1 of row w (because Solide has a shorter website target than Truvest). Thus the initial diagram will look something like this:

1 2 3
| | | |
w | IS | IST | T |
| | | |
| | | |
v | I | IST | ST |
| | | |

Now, if you formulate and use your logic rules correctly, you should be able to take it from here. (Hint for #11: if none of the clients has a voicemail target of 3 days, then none of the clients has ANY target of 3 days. Why?)

Please check in again if you continue to have trouble!

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Posted: 12/19/2013 07:48
(The attached screenshot table may be easier to read than the ASCII version.)

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