
Jake: Companies have recently introduced antibacterial household cleaning products that kill common bacteria on surfaces like countertops and floors. It’s clear that people who want to minimize the amount of bacteria in their homes should use cleaning products that contain antibacterial agents. Karolinka: But studies also suggest that the use of these antibacterial cleaning products can be harmful, since common bacteria that survive the use of these products will eventually produce strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. That’s why antibacterial agents should not be used in household cleaning products. The discussion above indicates that Jake and Karolinka agree with each other that which one of the following is true?
(A) Household cleaning products with antibacterial agents kill some common bacteria.
*This question is included in June 2013 LSAT (PT69): Logical Reasoning A, question #2

The solution is

Posted: 11/19/2013 15:32
Why is the answer d wrong?
Posted: 11/19/2013 17:38
Marilyn, answer D suggests that they agree that household bacteria are a health concern. There is nothing in the passage that says Karolinka agrees with this premise.
Posted: 05/06/2014 12:09
I also answered D. Jake - common bacteria is a problem. Karolinka - common bacteria creates a problem therefore it is a problem. Karolinka doesn't even say if common bacteria are killed. Karolinka says they survive.
Posted: 05/12/2014 14:53
James, sorry, but your logic is false.

Karolinka said there are bacteria that survive and produce antibiotic-resistant strains. Hence, the implied but unstated truth: most common bacteria are killed.