
Roxanne promised Luke that she would finish their report while he was on vacation; however, the deadline for that report was postponed. Clearly, if you promised a friend that you would meet them for lunch but just before lunch you felt ill, it would not be wrong for you to miss the lunch; your friend would not expect you to be there if you felt ill. Similarly, _______. Which one of the following most logically completes the argument?
(A) if Roxanne believes that Luke would not expect her to finish the report under the circumstances, then it would be wrong for Roxanne to finish it
*This question is included in June 2013 LSAT (PT69): Logical Reasoning A, question #16

The solution is

Posted: 11/16/2013 23:53
I chose C, can you please explain why it was wrong?
Posted: 11/17/2013 15:35
Jesse, we are asked to compare two analogous situations. In one situation (lunch appointment), one party, by social convention, does not expect the other party to fulfill the commitment to the promise when circumstances change (the other party gets sick).

In another case, we find the same thing: it is ok to break a commitment if the expectation by the receiving party is lowered due to a change in circumstances.