
The photographs that the store developed were quite unsatisfactory. The customer claims to have handled the film correctly. Neither the film nor the camera was defective. If a store does not process pictures properly, the customer is owed a refund, so if the customer’s claim is correct, the store owes her a refund. The argument relies on assuming which one of the following?
(A) If the store owes the customer a refund, then neither the camera nor the film was defective.
*This question is included in June 2013 LSAT (PT69): Logical Reasoning A, question #7

The solution is

Posted: 11/16/2013 23:03
Please explain why B is correct, my answer was A
Posted: 11/17/2013 15:40
Jesse, the question asks for an assumption that is implied by the conclusion (store pays refund). A merely restates what is explicitly said in the problem statement. B on the other hand states the implicit assumption, ie, that the store improperly handles the film.