
Anika’s response proceeds by
(A)indicating that a particular plan would have an effect contrary to the anticipated effect
*This question is included in Method/Function: Intro Set, question #10

The solution is

Posted: 09/24/2013 09:43
Rather than the explanation section, for "Answer Choice A," displaying "Correct: ...." it is displaying the following:

"Wrong: Misrepresentation of the Argument"

*Note: (See Attachment)

I must inform one that I understand the reasoning for choosing "Answer Choice A;"yet, I do not gather why each of the answer choices' explanations are displaying "WRONG: ..." as to this particular question.

Again, why does the explanation for "Answer Choice A"--the correct answer--exhibit "Wrong: Misrepresenting The Argument" versus "Correct: ..." within its explanation, while knowing very well that it IS the correct answer?

**Note: As a matter of fact, every answer choices' sections for their explanation is displaying "WRONG: ....". It's irritating and tinging my comprehension with doubt.
Posted: 10/08/2013 16:21
Enigmatic Quality, please accept our apology for the typo. The explanation for A should have said "Correct" instead of "Wrong". We are fixing this in the next update.

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