
In how many years did the sales of nonfiction titles exceed the sales of fiction titles ?
(A)   2
*This question is included in Nova Math - Problem Set W: Graphs, question #11

The solution is

Posted: 09/05/2013 19:39
Could you please explain it. Because i can't find exceed at 85
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Posted: 09/08/2013 21:29
Hi Mohamed,

On the graph, nonfiction sales are represented by the solid line, and fiction sales are represented by the dotted line.

In 1985, the nonfiction sales are slightly above 40,000, indicated on the graph by the small square directly above the label 1985 and sightly above the horizontal line labeled 40. Now, the fiction sales are slightly above 10,000, indicated on the graph by the small diamond directly above the label 1985 and sightly above the horizontal line labeled 10.

Hence, the nonfiction sales are about 30,000 greater than the fiction sales in 1985.

Nova Press
Posted: 05/13/2014 19:05
Shouldn't it be for how many years ? Instead of in ?
Posted: 05/13/2014 19:05
Shouldn't it be for how many years ? Instead of in ?
Posted: 05/19/2014 11:51
San, I think "in" and "for" are interchangeable in this case.