
Because the Senate has the votes to override a presidential veto, the President has no choice but to ________.
*This question is included in Nova Text Completions: Free Lesson Set, question #8

The solution is

Posted: 08/02/2013 23:29
I think "capitulate" is also a proper choice. It means the president has to give in.
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Posted: 08/03/2013 00:48
Hi Mai,

'Capitulate' is not a bad answer, but it is a bit too extreme. 'Capitulate' means to surrender.

Instead of giving up, the President should negotiate to get the best deal possible, this is the process of compromising.

Nova Press
Posted: 08/07/2013 20:12
Since they mention the senate overriding the presidential veto, I would assume that the time for compromise is over and the only option the president has is to capitulate. But clearly the test makers disagree.
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Posted: 08/07/2013 20:48
Hi Vee,

The phrase 'Senate has the votes to override a presidential veto' indicates that they have the ability to override a presidential veto but have not yet done so.

This means the President and his party may have time to compromise with the opposing party and get a bill that is more acceptable to them.

Nova Press
Posted: 08/29/2013 22:37
In which case the phrase "has no choice" is overstated. If it's early enough, the President may choose to compromise. If he "has no choice" then all that's left is to capitulate.
Posted: 08/30/2013 12:48
Alex, as Nova Press mentioned, it is still early enough, as the veto has not happened, and the override also has not happened. Remember, the choice is with the President, so it's all in his brain. If you were the president, and you can either compromise or capitulate, which would you rather do? The "has no choice" refers to the fact that he can no longer veto.
Posted: 04/24/2016 08:17
I too feel it has to be capitulate