
   Which of the following fractions is greatest?
*This question is included in Nova Press: Set A - Math Review, question #2

The solution is

Posted: 07/15/2013 04:47
i dun understand the exact procedure of cmparin fractions
Posted: 07/15/2013 13:57
Falguni, please see the attached screenshot that illustrates the steps for cross multiplying in order to compare fractions. To compare 15/16 and 7/9, follow the steps in the diagram. Since 135 is larger than 112, 15/16 is larger than 7/9.
Posted: 12/08/2013 08:01
I don't understand
Posted: 12/16/2013 17:03
Tamer, please look up the discussion thread and see the graphical attachment I included in a previous post. I think it will help you.
Posted: 05/06/2014 21:44
Reply: I Don't understand, What We do with the others fractions?
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Posted: 05/12/2014 15:01
Carolina, you do the same procedure, comparing A with C, D, and E as we did comparing A with B.
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