
    A car’s engine has died, and the car is slowing down as it coasts. What may we conclude about the forces acting on the car?
(A) There are no forces acting on the car.
*This question is included in 03. Laws of Motion, question #3

The solution is

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Posted: 07/14/2013 18:41
Can you explain why the force is in the opposite direction?
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Posted: 07/15/2013 13:51
Hi there. If the force is in the direction the car is going, then the car would be accelerating, not decelerating (slowing down). Recall Newton's law F = m*a. Since car is decelerating, a is a negative number. Since m is > 0, F is a negative number too. Remember that F is a vector, so it it pointing against the positive direction of the mass.