
Column A Column B
x # (-y) x # y
(A)Column A is larger
*This question is included in Nova Math - Problem Set E: Math Notes, question #6

The solution is

Posted: 06/02/2013 11:17
I need help on this one...
Posted: 06/02/2013 23:52
Posted: 06/06/2013 23:17
Petit, in defined function questions, where you see different symbols that define a function, it is useful to think of ƒ(..), which is what you normally see in typical math classes.

Hence, think of a#b as ƒ(a,b), which here is defined as -b^4. As you can see, a does not even play a role in the function.

Now, we have Column A, ƒ(x, (-y)), which is - (-y)^4 = -y^4.

In Column B, we have ƒ(x,y), which is -y^4.

They are equal.