
The belief that sanctions and tactical military strikes can turn the people of a country against a dictator is folly; indeed, as we are witnessing in the Balkans, this ________ causes the population to rally around the dictator.
*This question is included in Nova Text Completions: Free Lesson Set, question #7

The solution is

Posted: 06/02/2013 00:46
Excuse me, I am a little bit confused. Does "rally against" means support or protest against? Thank you so much.
Posted: 06/06/2013 22:51
Mike, "to rally around" as in the passage means to support. Of course, "to rally against" would mean the opposite.
Posted: 07/19/2013 16:17
I have the same issue about rally around, but I got the answer by elimination. Fist, sometimes and occasionally have the same meaning, the never and rarely go the same direction. So, the only thing stand out is invariably.

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