
The _________ link between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol levels has convinced many nutritionists of the long debated salubriousness of eggs.
(A)   cursory
*This question is included in Nova Sentence Equlvalence: Lesson Set, question #27

The solution is

Posted: 03/17/2013 19:25
Are we supposed to know that eggs are high in cholesterol? I never knew that, so I assumed this was a strong tie?
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Posted: 03/17/2013 20:05
Caitlin, no you don't need to know it beforehand. But you do need to know the meaning of salubrious, as it will determine whether you will pick the negative or positive leaning words among the answer choices.
Posted: 08/22/2013 12:29
I think the question is still ambiguous; have the findings convinced nutritionists that eggs ARE healthy, or that eggs are NOT healthy? If we read the question as "the long debated healthfulness of eggs", it is not clear if the nutritionists are convinced in favor of or against the healthfulness of eggs.
Posted: 08/30/2013 13:03
Tyler, the question clearly stated that many nutritionists are convinced of the healthy effects (that's the definition of salubriousness) of eggs.
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Posted: 07/23/2015 05:07
i know the meaning of salubrious ,but i do not understand the reason why the link is weak