
Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the ecologist’s statements?
(A)No habitat other than second-growth forest contains plentiful supplies of squirrel monkeys’ favorite insects and fruit.
*This question is included in Drawing Conclusions: Intro Set, question #11

The solution is

Posted: 03/01/2013 21:56
isnt E and B essentially saying the same thing?
Posted: 03/08/2013 16:18
Hi, Jorge -

Although B and E are closely related, they are not saying the same thing. Roughly speaking, [B] says "If any conservationists intervene, they will preserve the forest," while [E] says "If no conservationists intervene, the forest will not be preserved."

In other words, [E] states that conservationist intervention is necessary if the monkeys are to be preserved (which the passage implies), while [B] states that if an intervention takes place, it will be of the appropriate type (which the passage does not imply).

Please post again if you have further problems.
