
Which one of the following, if true, contributes most to an explanation of the difference described above in the Romans' use of water power?
(A)The ancient Romans were adept at constructing and maintaining aqueducts that could carry quantities of water sufficient to supply large cities over considerable distances.
*This question is included in Resolving & Explaining: Intro Set, question #10

The solution is

Posted: 03/01/2013 00:49
I really think that D is correct here ( although I do see why E is correct as well)....but if in the cities you kept using other traditional sources of energy, then there was no need to harness the power of water, and would explain the discrepancy. Why is that wrong?
Posted: 03/01/2013 01:42
Jorge, please read the explanation again. D does not explain why water power was not used. It simply said that because water power was not used, other sources of energy continued to be used -- to which we can say, "well, duh ...".

E on the other hand explains why water power was not used in certain areas even if it was available.