
What is the area of the triangle above?

(1) z = 90

(2) s2 − 36 = 64

(A)if statement (1) ALONE is sufficient to answer the question but statement (2) alone is not sufficient;
*This question is included in Nova Press: Set B - Data Sufficiency Practice, question #3

The solution is

Posted: 01/20/2013 20:46
What is the question?
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Posted: 01/21/2013 08:40
The question is can you solve z and s using statement 1 and/or 2.

The in-app shows B is the correct answer, to me it is E since statement 2 is only useful on the predicate z is actually 90 degrees, which is part of the question itself and thus cannot be assumed!


I just noticed that apparently it does have a specific question, within the app it isn't shown, when you log on the website it doesn't show but unlogged as a guest you can see the question 'What is the area of the triangle above?'
It tests like this, you can safely assume when it looks 90 degrees it is meant as 90 degrees, in this case there's no notation it is 90 degrees and as I said earlier z degrees is part of the question, so I'll stick with E anyway ;)
Posted: 01/22/2013 14:44
Thank you for the post, Niels.

Andres, the question is missing from the app: "What is the area of the triangle above?"
Posted: 03/22/2013 12:37
Cool, a Pythagorean theorem that works for a non-right triangle.