
In the 1950’s, integration was an anathema to most Americans; now, however, most Americans accept it as desirable.

*This question is included in Nova Grammar I, question #5

The solution is

Posted: 01/09/2013 17:27
I am wondering how any of these are correct, because using a semicolon indicates a coordinating conjunction. Using "however" immediately after makes no sense because it is a subordinating conjunction and there was no independent clause between the two conjunctions.
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Posted: 01/09/2013 22:47
Hi Garrett,

Here, the word HOWEVER is not being used as a subordinating conjunction. It is merely emphasizing contrast with the thought in the previous sentence. Hence, it is fully set off from the sentence with commas. Notice that the second sentence has the same meaning if the word HOWEVER is removed, though the contrast with the first sentence is now less.

Nova Press
Posted: 08/21/2013 14:44
But how can I differentiate between however ,the subordinate conjunction and however , the emphasizing word !!
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