
Monks may be Christian, Buddhist, or Jain, but, though they differ in many beliefs, most orders are alike in practicing _________; they abjure carnal pleasures in pursuit of a life more conducive to spiritual enlightenment.
(A)   debauchery
*This question is included in Nova Sentence Equlvalence: Lesson Set, question #9

The solution is

Posted: 01/06/2013 14:06
Suggestion: IMO the correct answers choices should always have definitions. You should possibly define them all in answer reviews.
Posted: 01/06/2013 23:27
Justin, thank you for the suggestion.
Posted: 02/10/2013 15:43
I agree; and further, the quiz would be much more valuable if definitions for all words were given (not just for the correct ones).
Posted: 02/27/2013 18:28
Thanks, Asa. I forwarded your suggestion to the content copyright owner. Arcadia Prep is the app developer and administrator.