
If the veterinarian is in space 5, which one of the following must be true?
(A)The optometrist is in space 2.
*This question is included in June 2012 LSAT (PT66): Logic Games, question #8

The solution is

Posted: 01/05/2013 20:40
I wish these had "hints" or explained the answers.

I cant get to this one. I filled out answer A getting P,O,T,R1, V,S,R2...and not violate any rules. I also filled out answer D and got: P,O,T,R1, V,S,R2. Both certainly possible without violating any of the rules.

I filled out the other ones, and although I couldnt fill out all the spots, I could not rule any of the answers out.
Posted: 05/22/2013 20:19
It's not a could be true. D's condition need not be the case.