
Column A
x3 + 1
x > 0 Column B
x4 + 1
(A)Column A is larger
*This question is included in Nova Math - Problem Set H: Hard Quantitative Comparisons, question #2

The solution is

Posted: 10/22/2012 23:38
The answer says "if x=0 or 1" however x >0 is defined above.
Posted: 10/23/2012 00:29
Hi Mona, thanks for the input. You can replace "if x=0 or 1" with simply "if x=1 ...".
Posted: 12/17/2013 11:07
It is clearly said that x>0 then how will the argument if x=0 hold good. The answer is B?
Posted: 12/18/2013 16:50
Sheeman, the explanation should read:

"Now, if x = 1, then the expressions are equal. However, for any other positive value of x, the expressions are unequal."
Posted: 12/17/2013 11:08
Answer is D, but not with the argument x=0 but x=1/4
Posted: 01/06/2014 21:31
The answer is d but I don't understand why column b would not be correct
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Posted: 01/13/2014 17:30
Darrielle, is x=1, for example, the columns would be equal, and B is not larger than A.
Posted: 01/19/2014 08:29
Where do you get x=1? I don't see that in the answer key. All I see is x=0 but the question is not saying x=0 it's saying X>0. Also when facing questions like x>0 or x
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Posted: 01/19/2014 20:46
The solution should have said "Now, if x = 1, then the expressions are equal. However, for any other positive value of x, the expressions are unequal."
Posted: 07/19/2015 13:30
Is it x^(3+1) and 4^(4+1) OR x^(3)+1 and x^(4)+1?
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Posted: 07/19/2015 14:14
Hi Arseniy,

It is x^(3)+1 and x^(4)+1. That is, the 1s are not exponents. To make it clearer, we can write the 1s first:

1 + x^3
[read, 1 plus x cubed]


1 + x^4
[read, 1 plus x to the fourth power]

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