
Antonio and Marla disagree over
(A)whether it is desirable for people occasionally to take great chances in life
*This question is included in Free Complete Section: LR-B, June '07 LSAT, question #7

The solution is

Posted: 08/23/2012 02:04
Hi, I don't understand why is B the answer.
Posted: 08/23/2012 14:38
Diana, here's a great analogy I found:

Antonio: You can make great pizza with any cheese.
Marla: No, you must use mozzarella to have great pizza!

(B) They disagree about what is required to make great pizza (Marla thinks that mozzarella is required, Antonio does not).
Posted: 05/09/2013 16:26
How do I find study groups for lsat prep?
Posted: 05/09/2013 16:48
Hi Julia Jones, this forum is in a way a virtual and mobile study group. You can probably google "LSAT Forums" and find other online forums. In my personal experience, test prep is a lonely exercise that requires reading through the study guides and working through all the question types so you are familiar with them and how to pace yourself in the exam. It helps to have a tutor, whether in-person or the virtual one as offered in our app. Study groups in my humble opinion is a distraction for high-stakes test preparation.