
Determine whether or not there is an error in the underlined portion of the sentence above. If there is no error, select answer choice "A".
(A)after the war, they enacted the Marshall Plan to rebuild Germany.
*This question is included in Nova Press: Set A - Pronoun Errors, question #3

The solution is

Posted: 08/04/2012 21:24
Why the passive structure is not correct? Does that mean if we can use active structure, we should not use passive structure?
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Posted: 08/04/2012 22:34
Jessie, it depends on the context. Passive voice is not necessarily wrong. In this sentence, the first part sets the stage for the second part: alright, the United States learned a lesson, so what is it going to do?
Posted: 08/06/2012 01:23
Thanks, that makes sense.