
Which of the following is the conclusion of the argument above?
(A)Existentialists believe that our identity is continually evolving
*This question is included in Nova Press: Set A - Intro to GMAT Logic: Premises and Conclusions, question #8

The solution is

Posted: 06/25/2012 12:06
I don't understand. A is supported by all of the facts where as D is just an analogy to help facilitate the understanding of the conclusion
Posted: 10/25/2012 03:43
Yeah, and choice D is a "conclusion" that existentialists would make, not the author of this passage. A is the only logical answer choice unless there is no clear conclusion
Posted: 10/25/2012 18:46
Answer from the author:
We consider (A) to be a statement, not a conclusion. Same with (B). Same with (C).

(D) is a conclusion (in the form of an analogy) that follows from the first sentence. The word 'so' is flagging this.
Posted: 07/25/2013 21:08
What does "the wake of boat" mean? Thank you
Image Not Available
Posted: 07/25/2013 21:12
This picture shows the wake of a boat. Source: Wikipedia. Don't forget to google!