
Which of the following is the conclusion of the argument above?
(A)When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life;
*This question is included in Nova Press: Set A - Intro to GMAT Logic: Premises and Conclusions, question #1

The solution is

Posted: 06/25/2012 11:57
I don't understand the answer. The question asked what is the conclusion. The "correct" answer only restated premise and the form. The conclusion is the last line of the argument in this type of deductive reasoning question.

Posted: 07/10/2012 00:07
It is saying that in London there is all that life can afford SO when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.

The conclusion does not have to come last. It comes first many times.
Posted: 04/12/2013 16:23
I thought it was D. Guess Maybe A is correct because the whole sentence is telling about A, and D is only a reason that support the sentence A.
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Posted: 04/13/2013 03:13
Hi Lu,

In the sentence,

'for there is in London all that life can afford'

you can replace the word 'for' with 'because':

'because there is in London all that life can afford'

This indicates that the sentence is presenting a reason or premise for the conclusion: 'When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.'

Nova Press
Posted: 06/05/2013 00:56
I don't understand why the latter part of the sentence is not important
Posted: 06/06/2013 23:23
Zhao Lu, as in the explanation by Contributor Nova Press, the latter part of the sentence is not "not important", but it is more of a reasoning for the conclusion.
Posted: 03/15/2015 06:26
Could u pls tell me where can find right answer in the software?