
If M fills some track before that of J and also before that of K on the recording, which one of the following must be true?
(A)G is first.
*This question is included in Sequencing: Lesson Set 1 (of 5) - Intro, question #7

The solution is

Posted: 06/07/2012 13:18
I can't figure this one out. How did it work out to this answer? Please help!
Thank you.
Posted: 06/15/2012 13:02
Mark, our regular contributor is on vacation. You may want to check out the LSAT Freedom package for PT 65 in the app's marketplace (tap on Shopping Cart). It has video tutorials for all questions, done step by step by Harvard law graduates who scored in the top 1% of LSAT percentile.
Posted: 07/26/2012 00:59
Mark, for any module labeled "Lesson Set" in its title, there is an answer from within the question, accessible by tapping the button "Hint". Let us know if you have trouble accessing it.