
Determine whether or not there is an error in the underlined portion of the sentence above. If there is no error, select answer choice "A".
(A)indicate that the country is becoming less tolerant, and therefore that
*This question is included in Nova Press: Set B - Subject-Verb Agreement, question #3

The solution is

Posted: 05/29/2012 21:54
How is the word, "That" a subordinating relative pronoun?
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Posted: 05/30/2012 14:24
Hi Chad. Since "the rise in negative attitudes" is singular, the corresponding verb should be "indicates" with an "s". And "therefore" does not require an extra "that" behind it.

For a very good discussion on subordinate clause and what makes it (relative pronouns or subordinate conjunctions), please see http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/subordinateclause.htm