
Consider all of the answer choices, and select all that apply. According to the passage, a decrease in shark populations
(A)might cause some fish populations to go unchecked.
*This question is included in Nova Reading - Extra Reading:, question #9

The solution is

Posted: 05/28/2012 13:26
C should not be true. It states that if 3/4ths were taken away it would take 15 years. The answer says if it was taken down a quarter it would take over a decade.
Posted: 08/03/2012 00:21
Matthew, 15 years is over a decade. 1/4 is 3/4 missing. They say the same thing in different ways.
Posted: 08/03/2012 00:24
A is not supported by the passage though. Paragraph 2 says sharks check populations, but the passage does not say sharks are the only animal to do so. Is this a new feature of the GRE that we are to make assumptions not directly supported? Because 10 years ago A would have been a trick answer that should not be selected.