
If students were asked to write essays on the different concepts of tragedy as exemplified by Cordelia and Antigone, and they all responded by showing how each character exemplified a traditional definition of tragedy, we could, according to the passage, hypothesize which one of the following about these students?
(A)The students were locked into the relativist stage.
*This question is included in Nova Reading - Extra Reading:, question #6

The solution is

Posted: 05/28/2012 12:57
Once again, the answer mentions the authorities view. The passage says nothing about dualistic thinking and accepting the views is authority. Please explain.
Posted: 08/02/2012 23:07
We cannot infer B from the passage. It is possible that students in any stage could come to the same conclusion. Has the new GRE changed so that we SHOULD make assumptions that cannot be directly supported by the passage?
Posted: 02/18/2013 07:11
Thanks for the comments, making mine unnecessary...!