
What does the passage suggest about the theme of the book from which it is excerpted?
(A)The book attempts to understand psychotherapy in the context of different and changing systems of thought.
*This question is included in Nova Reading: Introduction, question #5

The solution is

Posted: 05/25/2012 14:29
This article is so hard to understand, I can hardly know what it is trying to discuss.
Posted: 07/03/2012 05:56
I can understand what the author was trying to tell... But unable to clearly define it....did get the Answer correct though.........................I request that these type of comprehensions should be included more for practice...nice work by Arcadia
Posted: 07/06/2012 10:03
Thanks a lot for your warmly suggestion. But this type is hard to me still now. I will take the GRE in a few days. God bless me.
Posted: 07/18/2012 22:44
Thanks for using the app, all. Hope your test goes / went well Carey.
Posted: 07/22/2012 17:09
I find it difficult to agree that the correct answer is A, i do not see how the writer compares psychotherapy with a changing thought....i see it more as a relating it with science from the west and "religion" from the east....this feeling is further supported by the statement made ".....the amalgamation of all four...."

Please explain further
Posted: 07/26/2012 00:08
Tox, this is a very dense passage.

The premise of the passage at the beginning states that what looks like an individual separate "thing" is in fact inseparable from the environment to which it is connected.

In the final paragraph it says that when psychotherapists try to understand that individual feelings (the "thing") are connected to their social norms (the environment), it is in a way contextually similar to the way Buddhism and Hinduism look at states of consciousness (the thing) as continually changing in response to "culture to which [they are] involved".

This was a difficult and unnecessarily dense passage. If I were the editor of that book from which the passage is excerpted I would have made the author rewrite the entire thing. I dislike intellectual snobs.
Posted: 08/04/2012 20:17
Does anyone else just get super discouraged when they don't understand and just pick an answer?
Posted: 08/04/2012 20:21
Please don't get discouraged. This particular passage is very hard. The key lesson is to practice your focus in reading at a pace you are comfortable with. Remember, you are practicing and there are many others who do not.
Posted: 08/24/2012 19:07
Ive been practicing the verbal portion of this app and I wonder if it's just me, but I am finding that I don't select my first impulsive answer, but my 2nd choice AND I keep getting the answers wrong KNOWING that my first-instinctive answer would have been the correct one :(
Am I over doubting myself??
Posted: 09/07/2012 20:24
Stephanie, the more you practice, the more your instinct is sharpened.
Posted: 08/15/2014 20:18
Reply: That makes sense. I noticed the same thing. A key piece of advice I have been getting about taking the GRE is to follow my instincts when choosing the answers.
| Edit
Posted: 08/29/2012 20:04
Why is there a selection choice of "undefined"? That is never an option on the gre for the verbal portion.
Posted: 08/29/2012 21:08
April, if you see "undefined" just ignore it. It is an error and the choice shouldn't be there. We will address it in the next update. Thank you for reporting.
Posted: 10/24/2012 22:57
Thank you very much for this. I honestly am struggling with this since I'm taking in 7 days... Can somebody let me know if it's too hard to get 140...:((
Posted: 03/07/2013 06:23
Just read the statement below the passage and one could get the correct answer.
Will this also happen during real test?
Posted: 03/07/2013 19:17
Amber, sometimes.
Posted: 08/02/2013 19:23
I hardly can extract the gist of the passage, but I can get why the answer is option A though I marked it as B
Posted: 08/31/2013 04:06
After reading the passage repeatedly for half an hour (or more), I think that the first two paragraph reveals that this book is going to discuss the psychotherapy issue by focusing more on the environment and the whole system from which the psychotherapy developed.

Gotta say that the passage like this who delivers a concept so abstract is wayyyy to hard.
Does anyone know how much alike the real GRE questions are?
Posted: 10/07/2013 17:58
Ariel, I agree that this passage is hard.
Posted: 01/22/2015 06:33
The premise of the passage at the beginning states that what looks like an individual separate "thing" is in fact inseparable from the environment to which it is connected.
I agree with what you said above
And two examples (scientists/buddism) support the thesis statement:
But why does that conclude in phycotherapy in different and changing thoughts
The main idea is consistent in the two examples
Posted: 01/22/2015 06:34
But the conclusion Suggests phycotherapy tries to separate individual from the world and go alone which is opposite from what it has explained so far.
The answer B, C, D is clear
But A is ambiguous
I don"t get what different or changing means in A.