
Is CAB a code word in language Q?

(1) ABC is the base word.

(2) If C immediately follows B, then C can be moved to the front of the code word to generate another word.

(A)if statement (1) ALONE is sufficient to answer the question but statement (2) alone is not sufficient;
*This question is included in Data Sufficiency Free Lesson Set, question #3

The solution is

Posted: 05/17/2012 23:12
I don't understand the question. What is language Q?
Posted: 05/19/2012 20:50
Xiao Meng, language Q is an imaginary language for the purpose of the problem only. (1) and (2) are supposedly rules of the language. You are to determine whether the rules can be applied to such a language.
Posted: 11/17/2012 23:01
What is the definition of a 'code word'?
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Posted: 11/18/2012 01:20
Words or symbols used by a system to extract or convert the plain-vanilla-message.
We can use the word soup as code word, if we want to refer to birds.
Now we use a system that encodes my message from birds to soup and the receiver decodes the message from soup to birds.

Posted: 12/01/2012 11:05
Neither point 1 nor 2 say that these are rules for language Q. Can you make that assumption?
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Posted: 12/01/2012 11:40
There's nothing wrong with being a critical logical thinker :)
But the context of the test itself, the question at hand and last but not least the supplied possible answers, make the answer to your question "I can" :)

Posted: 04/14/2014 05:50
I still cannot figure out what does the question mean~
Posted: 04/14/2014 05:50
I still cannot figure out what does the question mean~
Posted: 04/21/2014 13:58
Ke Xu, the problem states that in a pretend language called Q, there is a word CAB. The language Q has 2 rules: 1) ABC is the base word, and 2) if C immediately follows B, then C can be moved to the front of the code word to generate another word.

Because this is a Data Sufficiency question, you have to decide based on these 2 rules, whether only rule 1 is enough to decide whether CAB is indeed a word, or whether both are required, or whether only rule 2 is enough, or whether either rule 1 or rule 2 is enough.

Because we need both rules to decide that CAB is a valid word in language Q, answer C is the right answer.
Posted: 12/14/2014 18:44
i can not understand