
In 1993, the total profit was approximately how much greater than the total profit in 1990?
(A)   50 thousand
*This question is included in Nova Math - Problem Set W: Graphs, question #1

The solution is

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Posted: 04/13/2012 17:23
I don't see anything in either graph that has data from 1993 in it. What am I missing?
Posted: 04/13/2012 18:05
Sorry. Wrong graph figures are shown in this question. Please find the correct figures in this link:


Our next build will have the fix.
Posted: 08/04/2012 19:35
For the introduction to this section It looks like something is missing. Perhaps there is a graph I can not see the earnings on.
Posted: 08/06/2012 20:17
Cef Usa, there was a problem with graph cut off, but we already fixed it. Can you update your app version, and if you still see the problem, please post and attach a screenshot of the problematic page.
Posted: 08/06/2012 20:20
If you see a cut off graph to the right, please see the full graph on http://www.arcadiaprep.com/_upload/questions/gre_nova_images/f0242-01.jpg using your browser.
Posted: 11/13/2012 00:24
Your "earnings" graph is absent from the tutorial, so I was unable to study the information.
Posted: 11/13/2012 00:34
Larry, our apology. Please see the full graph here: http://www.arcadiaprep.com/_upload/questions/gre_nova_images/f0242-01.jpg
Posted: 12/03/2012 06:44
This graph is fine but the tutorial graph is incomplete
Posted: 05/18/2013 03:39
Same here, a graph must be missing from your introduction to this section? (Still - for your info.)
Posted: 07/10/2013 18:01
I would really like to see larger graphs in your next update of the app. The more information the images contain the smaller they become. It's difficult to see and work the problems.