
A unit square is circumscribed about a circle. If the circumference of the circle is qπ, what is the value of q?
(A)   1
*This question is included in Nova Math - Diagnostic/Review:, question #19

The solution is

Posted: 04/11/2012 19:20
There's no reason this shouldn't be written as "a square whose sides equal 1". I've never seen a single practice test from any other company that uses the phrase unit square
Posted: 08/24/2013 03:37
in china,our exam are all like this,what should i do
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Posted: 08/24/2013 23:41
Hi Isaac,

'Unit square' is a standard and frequently used term in basic mathematics. It could appear on the test.

Nova Press
Posted: 04/11/2012 22:32
Isaac, thanks for the feedback. As the app developer, we will relay the feedback to the author. On the bright side at least you learned a new vocab.
Posted: 09/10/2012 21:59
The RADIUS of a unit circle is 1, not the diameter.
Posted: 08/09/2014 18:31
Is there a simpler way to solve this problem?
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Posted: 08/09/2014 23:09
Reply: the explanation is about as simple as it gets.