
The editor found the articles so ________ that he hesitated to print them.
*This question is included in Nova Sentence Equivalence: Free Lesson Set, question #3

The solution is

Posted: 03/03/2012 16:28
Provocative is a good thing, there wouldn't be hesitation to print a provocative article.
Posted: 03/10/2012 23:05
If the article was "improbable", wouldn't you hesitate to print it? What is meant by "there is no matching word " in the problem explanation!
Posted: 03/10/2012 23:42
Jessica, in this practice, you are supposed to select two choices that are synonyms or related to each other. Even though improbable may not be fit to print, there is no other related word.
Posted: 05/27/2013 09:44
I thought the REVISED GRE has changed its rules,and we do not have to choose abusolute synonyms.We are only supposed to pick out two words that make sense.
Posted: 10/18/2012 14:30
I agree that a provocative story is not bad to print. I thought the two words do not necessarily have to be synonyms but rather fit the sentence? So improbable and inflammatory fit the sentence best?
Posted: 10/22/2012 13:28
Nicole, remember that in this Sentence Equivalence practice, the direction is "Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning."

Improbably and inflammatory are hardly related to each other.