
Geologists in California have discovered a fault near the famous San Andreas Fault, one that they believe to be a trigger for major quakes on the San Andreas.

*This question is included in Nova Grammar I, question #6

The solution is

Posted: 02/24/2012 20:54
The commentary says E doesn't work because though the subject "geologists" has the verb "found," there is no subject when the sentence includes the verb "acts." But isn't the subject obviously "fault?" The fault acts as a trigger--simple enough right?
Posted: 02/25/2012 13:59
Jason, as the explanation says, E is very tempting. My trick in this kind of questions is to rearrange the sentence parts after the comma:
B: they believe one to be a trigger for
E: they believe one acts as a trigger for

Rearranging the parts makes it clear to me that E cannot be right.
Posted: 07/19/2012 00:54
For me E is right.
Posted: 01/09/2013 17:39
These explanations confuse me, because the only difference between the answers B and E is whether an infinitive is used or a present verb.
Posted: 08/27/2014 03:26
Where is the connection?

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