
Column A

x ≥ 1

Column B




(A)Column A is larger
*This question is included in Introduction to Nova GRE Math, question #5

The solution is

Posted: 02/20/2012 19:13
Does this mean that x is not just one number? Since it says that x is greater than or equal to 1 so I thought both columns will just use the same number so let's say I picked 1. Both columns equal each other
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Posted: 02/27/2012 00:39
Hi Nerika, in questions like this, x>=1 means for all x greater than or equal to 1, .... which means x can be 1, 2, 3, 100, 1.5, 5.5, etc. Since B and C are both possible, there is not enough information to decide.
Posted: 03/29/2012 06:31
Bug in it..
Posted: 03/29/2012 17:24
Jeans, can you be specific about which bug you saw? We'd like to fix it if there is a bug.
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Posted: 03/06/2012 13:16
I don't understand how x^100 isn't always larger than x^10
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Posted: 03/07/2012 14:07
Dana, plug in 1 for x, then 1^100 is not larger than 1^10.
Posted: 08/10/2012 08:30
I think the first question by Nerika is asking "are we supposed to use the same number for x in both columns"....in other words, is the answer D "not enough information" simply because we don't know if we are always supposed to plug in the same number for x in both columns....? Why can't we answer B and C like other questions that have multiple correct answers.....?
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Posted: 08/10/2012 13:39
Alissa, you should select multiple answers only if the question says so.

To repeat my earlier post and add emphasis, x>=1 means for *ALL* x greater than or equal to 1, .... which means x can be 1, 2, 3, 100, 1.5, 5.5, etc. If you want to select A, B, or C, it must be true, always, for all numbers. So we don't have enough information to decide.
Posted: 11/14/2012 23:10
there is enough info to decide that colB >= colA always, isn't it? thus there is no correct answer. if i choose D, i'm wrong because this info is enough to solve the problem. if you mean that there is no enough info to choose between introdused answers, you should write exactly that.
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Posted: 11/18/2012 20:00
I quote "There is enough info to decide that column B >= column A always, isn't it"
- No, there isn't.
I quote "If I choose D, I'm wrong"
- No, then and only then you're right

Here's the situation:
x^a against x^b where b>a, a>= 1 and x>=1
The point here is that 1^n remains 1 thus if x=1 >>> x^a == x^b ALWAYS equal, when x>1 then x^b is ALWAYS greater than x^a.
For this reason we can conclude that from the possible answers, D is correct, we can't solve the question but D solves the exercise, don't try to order pizza at the shoe store ;)


I quote "If you mean that there is not enough info to choose between the introduced answers, you should write exactly that."
Joel can't do that because D is an introduced answer so I presume you referred this to the testmakers, while I agree on your behalf for clarities-sake, I can agree with the testmakers as well since it always means just that.
Posted: 04/18/2016 07:20
If x=1 then both column A and column B would be equal