
If a, b, and c are consecutive integers and a   <   b   <   c , which of the following must be true?
(A)        is a prime number
*This question is included in Nova Press: Problem Solving Diagnostic Test, question #8

The solution is

Posted: 02/14/2012 10:34
Not known...what does consecutive integer mean
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Posted: 02/14/2012 10:46
Saahil Ahmed, integers are whole round numbers, including 0. Consecutive means the integers follow one another. For example, 1, 2, and 3 are consecutive; so are 2, 3, and 4; and 101, 102, and 103; or -1000, -999, and -998.
Posted: 03/16/2013 01:52
Plz explain this problem or some idea to solve..

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Posted: 03/16/2013 14:52
Hi Sai. Have you tried the Explanation? Please read the explanation and if you still have further questions please post the specific part where you are stuck.
Posted: 05/17/2013 20:48
Hi, doing the exercise I got 2 right answers, b and e replacing them as 1,2,3 consecutively.
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Posted: 05/18/2013 20:07
Yitzak, the question asks which MUST be true, not which MAY be true. E may be true for the integers you mentioned, but the correct answer MUST be true for any sequence of integers that meet the criteria.
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Posted: 07/05/2013 16:38
Since a,b, and c are consecutive integer and a