
If x ≠ 0, −1, then is image greater than image?

(1) x < 1

(2) x > 1

(A)if statement (1) ALONE is sufficient to answer the question but statement (2) alone is not sufficient;
*This question is included in Nova Press: Set A - Intro to Data Sufficiency, question #18

The solution is

Posted: 12/12/2011 21:11
Not totally clear on why (2) alone is sufficient in this case.
Image Not Available
Posted: 12/13/2011 22:45

The solution given in the answer key is a little technical.

Let's try plugging in some numbers for statement (2):

We know X > 1, so let's start with 2.

For [1/x], we get 1/2
For [1/(1 + x)], we get 1/3.

The second expression is smaller.

Now let's try 4.

For [1/x], we get 1/4
For [1/(1 + x)], we get 1/5.

Again, the second expression is smaller.

What about when x get really large? Let's try x = 3450.

For [1/x], we get 1/3450
For [1/(1 + x)], we get 1/3451.

Even with a really large X, the second expression is smaller.

So, as you can see, if x > 1, then [1/x] will ALWAYS be larger than [1/(1 + x)].

Here we've proven statement (2) is sufficient.