
How many ounces of water must be added to a 30-ounce solution that is 40 percent alcohol to dilute the solution to 25 percent alcohol?
(A)        9
*This question is included in Nova Press: Problem Solving Diagnostic Test, question #26

The solution is

Posted: 11/24/2011 04:06
Please can you provide another explanation to this problem.
It's Q 26/30 of the math d.test
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Posted: 11/24/2011 13:41
A solution for flamenco boy.
Posted: 11/25/2012 10:48
By how much 48 is greater than 30, you can find out.
Posted: 12/06/2012 14:30
My approach was to find out how much alcohol was in the original 30-ounce solution

40% of 30 = 12

Since no more alcohol will be added to the new solution, then 12 (the amount of alcohol) must be equal to 25% of the new solution. Therefore the total of the new solution must be
12 divided by .25 or 1/4 = 48
Since we already have 30 ounces, the required additional ounces will be
