
Which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the recycling centers in Rivertown any one of which could recycle plastic?
(A)Center 1 only
*This question is included in LG Sample 3: Difficult Games, question #9

The solution is

Posted: 11/21/2011 21:09
I can eliminate c and d but I can't take the next step
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Posted: 11/22/2011 16:38

Here's a walk thru that should answer your question.
Posted: 10/31/2012 20:17
Even after the video provided, I am a bit confused. I chose option B because of the second and third condition. Plastic cannot be at Center 1 and Center 2 if only one center recycles plastic. What am I missing?
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Posted: 11/01/2012 12:04
Hi, Alana -

The problem asks for a complete list of recycling centers, ANY ONE of which could recycle plastic. Because only one center recycles plastic, it is not possible for two or three centers to recycle plastic IN THE SAME CONFIGURATION. (Sorry to shout; I don't have italics. :) )

Answer D is correct because there exist two different configurations that follow all the rules, one assigning plastics to Center 1, the other to Center 3:

Configuration 1
Center 1: Wood, Newsprint, Plastic
Center 2: Wood, Newsprint
Center 3: Glass, Tin

Configuration 2
Center 1: Wood, Newsprint, Glass
Center 2: Wood, Newsprint
Center 3: Plastic, Tin

Note that there may be other correct configurations as well, but none of them can assign plastic to Center 2, because then Center 1 would also have to recycle plastic in that configuration.

I hope this helps; please post again if you have further questions.
