
Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the editorialist’s statements?
(A)Particular acts of resident participation would be likely to elicit a positive response from local politicians if those politicians were less isolated from their electorate.
*This question is included in Sample Lesson Set 3: Difficult Questions, question #5

The solution is

Posted: 11/19/2011 09:00
Why is answer choice B wrong even though it is drawing a conclusion from one of the premises
Posted: 11/19/2011 22:50

This is actually a pretty tricky question. Choice (B) makes too big a claim to be supported by the passage.

It says:
Local political business should be conducted less secretively because this WOULD avoid discouraging resident participation in local politics.

But the passage says that there are TWO factors that tend to isolate politicians from their local electorates. So simply conducting political business less secretly would NOT be enough to assure that resident participation would not be discouraged. Therefore, choice (B) is wrong.
Posted: 01/14/2012 12:56
Which one would you say is proper?
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Posted: 01/15/2012 16:31
Hi, Margarita -

I would be happy to help you with this, but I need to understand your question a little better. Are you asking which answer is the correct one?

Posted: 01/18/2012 22:11
If B is wrong because only one of the two sources of discouragement (secretive meetings) is eliminated, then why would d be correct? More media coverage also eliminates only one of the two sources of discouragement
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Posted: 01/19/2012 00:47
Zach, it's order, the text state 'which in turn'.
if A then B
if B then C

Posted: 01/19/2012 08:36
Thank you niels, and I need further clarification. The question lists two factors that isolate the electorate from local politicians, but places emphasis on neither factor. Then it says that these factors together reduce the chance that resident participation will get an official response. This reduction in public faith, although the result of the two aforementioned factors, is the only factor that IN TURN discourages public participation. So I don't understand why the order of the preconditions that affect the sole factor that (in turn) reduces participation would matter. I hope I am making sense.

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Posted: 01/19/2012 09:30
Zach, I owe you an apology I blame it on the 9 hour time difference ;)

A = News media rarely cover local politics thoroughly
B = Local political business is usually conducted secretively
A -> C
B -> C
C = Tend to isolate local politicians from their electorates
C -> D
D = Reducing the chance that any particular act of resident participation will elicit a positive official response
D -> E
E = Discourages resident participation in local politics

Since (A | B) -> C -> D -> E
Answer B state 'not B' implies 'not E' due the 'this would avoid', however A still implies -> E
So answer D is correct because it states 'would at least reduce one source(A)' i.o. an implication it would avoid E totally.
