
If Hall views the site on the day after the day Knight views the site and if Fennelly views the site on the day after the day Lopez views the site, then Jones must view the site on day
*This question is included in Sequencing: Lesson Set 3 (of 5) - Conditionals, question #5

The solution is

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Posted: 09/17/2011 13:36
Can you explain this?
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Posted: 09/18/2011 18:07

Here's the deal:

The Stem Rule creates the following blocks:
[K, H, G]
[L, F]

(Note that [K, H, G] is created by the Stem Rule + Rule 5.)

Now, to the set up:

__ __ __ __ __ __ __

Recall that F must be 3rd or 5th (Rule 1).
And that L cannot be 4th or 6th (Rule 2).

What does this mean?
Well, if F were 5th, then L would be 4th. This violates Rule 2. So F cannot be 5th. F must be 3rd.

Since F is 3rd, L is 2nd.

So now, what do we do with the [K, H, G] block? It must go [4, 5, 6] -or- [5, 6, 7].

Where can it go?
Well, if we place it [4, 5, 6], then K will be 4th.
But if K is 4th, then L must be 5th (Rule 4).
But that won't work, because the [K, H, G] block requires that if K is 4th, then H must be 5th.
So the [K, H, G] must go [5, 6 ,7].

So now we have __, L, F, __, K, H, G.

Now all we have left to place are M and J.

By Rule 3, if J is 1st, then H must be 2nd. But we know that L must be 2nd. So J cannot be 1st. Then only other option is for J to be 4th.

There's your answer: J must be 4th.
Posted: 11/29/2012 13:02
The question says F is on the day after the day after L, meaning it would be L...x...F since we don't know what that day is. Your solution says LF. Is this a typo?