
If Center 3 recycles glass, then which one of the following kinds of material must Center 2 recycle?
*This question is included in LG Sample 3: Difficult Games, question #12

The solution is

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Posted: 08/23/2011 10:40
I can't figure out how to narrow the choices in the question. I was only able to exclude one answer choice. Can you explain?
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Posted: 08/23/2011 13:37
A walk-thru of Q12.
Posted: 01/03/2012 12:32
This is an impossible scenario. If 3 recycles glass, it cannot recycle plastic thus 1 AND 2 must recycle plastic, which is impossible as plastic can only be recycled at one place.
Posted: 11/09/2013 12:55
They only have to recycle AT LEAST 2 and AT MOST 3, meaning if center 2 recycles newsprint, wood, center 1 recycles newsprint, wood and plastic, and center 3 recycles glass and tin, the question can be solved lol
Posted: 01/03/2012 12:34