
Column A rs = 4 and st = 10 Column B
4/r 10/t
(A)Column A is larger
*This question is included in Nova Math - Problem Set E: Math Notes, question #10

The solution is

Posted: 12/03/2015 18:45
Can you please elaborate on this. It's not making sense how they are equal
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Posted: 12/03/2015 19:05
Hi Joelene,

Since s = 4/r, Column A has the value s. And since s = 10/t, Column B has the same value s. Since Column A and Column B have the same value (s), they are equal in value. So, the answer is C.

Note: The fact that we don't know the value of s, does not matter. If s has the value, say, 3, then both columns would have the value 3 and therefore would be equal.

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