
Based on the information in the passage, it can be inferred that which one of the following would most logically begin a paragraph immediately following the passage?
(A)Because of the inquisitorial system’s thoroughness in conducting its pretrial investigation, it can be concluded that a defendant who is innocent would prefer to be tried under the inquisitorial system, whereas a defendant who is guilty would prefer to be tried under the adversarial system.
*This question is included in Nova Reading A: Types of Questions and Passages 1, question #14

The solution is

Posted: 11/30/2015 10:36
Why can't D be the andwer
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Posted: 11/30/2015 19:23
Hi Mohammad,

Choice D is possible, but Choice A is significantly better.

The thrust of the passage is the comparing and contrasting of two systems of criminal procedure, not the duties of judges in each system. Choice A illustrates this contrast, and Choice D does not.

Nova Press