
    In a certain assay, a number of microbes is measured by determining the mass of the sample. It is known that the average mass of a microbe (of this species) is 6.0 x 10–16 g. How many microbes are in a sample of mass 1.1 x 10–12 g?
(A) 1800
*This question is included in 01. Introduction, question #1

The solution is

Posted: 06/16/2014 18:21
Please help me
Posted: 07/24/2014 16:19
Reply: what do you need?
Posted: 09/21/2014 11:10
Ohhhh I forgot about conversions -_-
Posted: 11/19/2014 07:43
I do not understand how to get this answer?
Posted: 11/30/2014 08:15
If this could be broken down, I would be very appreciative.
Posted: 04/05/2015 02:46
Essentially this problem can be restated as "you have 1 particle that weighs x, so how many particles are there in a mass that weighs y."
Posted: 01/27/2016 05:33
Help me