
The opposite sides of quadrilateral Q are parallel and one of the four angles of Q is 90 degrees. If θ is an angle of quadrilateral Q, which one of the following must be true?


θ = 80°

*This question is included in Nova Math - Problem Set G: Geometry, question #34

The solution is

Posted: 04/15/2014 15:59
WOW! I have question about this problem. It does not necessarily ask the alternate interior angles. So I guess theta can be any angle within the quadrilateral. So what about a trapezoid which has a right angle? One of the way to define a trapezoid is a quadrilateral which has only one pair of parallel sides.
Posted: 04/21/2014 13:52
Mr Zhang, a trapezoid only has 1 pair of opposite sides being parallel. The problem states both opposite pairs of the quadrilateral are parallel.