
    Had the President’s Administration not lost the vote on the budget reduction package, his first year in office would have been rated an A.
(A)   Had the President’s Administration not lost the vote on the budget reduction package, his first year in office would have been rated an A.
*This question is included in Nova Writing Drills: Warm-Up Drill I, question #1

The solution is

Posted: 04/03/2014 22:33
this is a greay thing that i have ever seen.
Posted: 04/28/2014 16:53
Peng Fei, what do you mean by "greay"? Greatest?
Posted: 06/26/2014 14:33
I don't understand the correct answer. The original statement sounds like it is blaming the administration and the President would have gotten an A. The correct answer blames the President and says the Administration would have gotten an A. That's a completely different meaning
Posted: 02/03/2015 08:17
Posted: 02/26/2015 10:33
I agree with Kathleen. The correct answer changes the meaning the original sentence completely. I do not understand how that is the correct answer.
Posted: 05/21/2015 10:44
I actually agree with you and Kathleen too. The explanation I can offer is that the other choices are worse than the answer.