
Police chief: This department’s officers are, of course, prohibited from drinking on the job. However, there is one exception: it is extremely valuable for officers to work undercover to investigate nightclubs that have chronic crime problems, and officers may drink in moderation during such work. Which one of the following, if true, most helps to justify the exception to the police department’s rule stated above?
(A) Only very experienced police officers are allowed to work undercover investigating nightclubs.
*This question is included in June 2013 LSAT (PT69): Logical Reasoning A, question #1

The solution is

Posted: 02/24/2014 21:15
Why not choice A. They are both right!
Posted: 02/25/2014 22:32
Saeed, there is never the case in LSAT when there is more than 1 right answer. How does choice A strengthen the argument that an undercover officer can drink on the job, in the clubs? So what if the undercovers are experienced?
Posted: 05/06/2014 12:01
I answered A as well. Being an experienced officer would aid the exception to the rule. Where someone refraining from drinking in a nightclub could be anyone, not just an officer. I feel a lot of the answers to these questions are the opinions of the person who wrote the question. Logically the answer most chosen is logically the best answer.
Posted: 05/12/2014 14:48
James, "logically the answer most chosen is logically the best answer" is itself an illogical statement. There is very clear logic in the answer to this question. This is a strengthen type of question. We have to find an argument that strengthens the case to the exception stated by the police chief. The fact that an officer's cover would be blown if s/he is not drinking is a very good reason to allow the officer to drink a little bit.

So what if only experienced officers are allowed to work the night clubs? Does it imply that experienced (hence, older) officers are better at not getting drunk than the younger officers? That's not a very logical conclusion.
Posted: 05/19/2014 15:51
Thank you for your answer!
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Posted: 06/10/2014 11:14
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