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Posted: 01/24/2013 19:56
This is the chart to set up the problem for answer choice B. As we fill out the matrix, following the rules, we will eventually violate rule 2, that there must be 2 researchers learning Swahili.
To fill out the matrix, check PS and PY (P is studying S and Y).
Then cross GR and HR, since there can only be 1 check in R, and if G is checked, so must be H.
Next, cross GS and GY, since L or P --> ~G.
Next, check GT, because G has to learn at least 1 language. By extension, check HT, because G -->H.
Next, check HY and LY, since there has to be 3 x Y. Also, cross LT and PT, because there can only be 2 x T.
Now, the moment of truth. Cross HS and LS, because the answer must be a "complete and accurate" list, which means that if P is the only researcher that is studying S and Y, then H and L cannot be studying S (previously we established that H and L are studying Y).
However, this will violate the condition that there must be 2xS. Hence, B cannot be the correct answer.